Two young women in a nice apartment: one in a fancy lazy-boy with headset, another cleaning
Two are friends apparently. Cleaner asks for some rice on her way out.
Hanging with boyfriend: can’t copulate because it is too cold. talks about waiting until spring
Constant reminder that she needs medicine.
Owner tries to increase rent, while a cockroach is in middle of the screen than disappears before she returns.
Applying for a job in a hair salon with a woman. Next scene: she looks to be cleaning her home and blatant showing of contraceptive pills and condom.
Drinking whisky at a fancy bar, Year turns, cigarette price goes up nearly 100$
She decides to move out.
She has a list called “the cruise” with five names (she likes lists)
Friend 1
Visiting a friend at a fancy workplace. Discussion about working for a larger company. She asks to stay for a few days but gets rejected.
“You wanted to see me? You are still the same…”
Friend 2 (keyboardist)
Meets another friend who welcomes her in. Next scene, dinner with elderly couple and the husband. Can overhear husband bitching (a glimpse into a married life) even about her food. He is trying to pass some test.
Constant reminder that she needs to consume medicine. She says she will have all white hair if she doesn’t take medicine.
A keyboard: reminder of her friend as a talented pianist and a composer
A line in front of the bathroom… (father, husband, our protagonist)
Friend 3 (drummer)
Gives the master bedroom
Uncomfortable talking about the whereabouts of his wife
House is a complete mess with bottles of soju everywhere.
He is looking at the couple’s picture while drinking soju
He is in the process of divorce.
He is all dressed up in a nice suit going to work
She is once again cleaning up the mess
The Cruise is probably referring to her band.
He talks about fairly once again as an web-toon artist
They are giving blood to get money for movie tickets
Back to friend 3
He struggles to come out of his room. He says he is now allergic to women.
He comments on the housing prison. He is spending 60% of his income on his apartment which he has to pay off for 20 years.