Wells 1866-1946 Written 1895 Filmed 1960
First 40min made in hindsight - 1966 filmmaker’s imagination - cold war nuclear war
50min - Eloi - Look of homogenous Scandinavians - Life no longer has meaning? - no more elderly nor children - indifferent of others - lack of law & government - protagonist judges based on conditions of books
1:03 - Morlocks - provide everything to Eloi and controls - Mating outcome of Smurfs and Yeti - Weena has never seen fire - no past nor future - involved in romance in less than 20min
Morlocks have machines - talking rings - Eloi are like kobe cattle! Fed well for future consumption - “Don’t stand there like fatted cattle!”
1:20 Cannibalism - Colored - Bucktooth - Wide nose - Do not wear clothes - Can’t speak just growls -
1:28 Becomes a savior for the entire civilization in less than 40 min with fire! - and teaches jealousy and courting
1:38 Evidence - Weena’s flower is enough to convince his friend - Takes three books to enlighten the Eloi!
2002 - four additional decades of history - 1899 NYC
11min - Future wife Emma dies fighting for a ring…
18min - Groundhog’s Day??? - Fate prevails??? - Why would a Columbia professor live near Grand Army Plaza?
27min - 2030 - Lunar living - All answers are in the Library - AR - Only concern - Changing the past
33min - 2037 - Consequence of human destruction of moon
36min - 802,701 - Eloi speak stone language - housing on the walls of massive cliffs - But the finders speaks English
46min - Morlock means Child’s dream, no more - Ennio Morricone style music
53min - Morlock - ET face - Predator hair, body type, & movement - Wears thongs - can use all four limbs to run - a self-righteous stranger takes out his anger on people
1:02 - Vox system still works
1:11 - Why do they keep skeletons? - The leader is the night king who speaks and created a caste system - anger management issue still prevails
1:21 - 635,427,810 - not much has changed? Sacrifices his machine to save a civilization but finds love - Tiffany and Company BPL
Chet Baker
Autumn de Wilde